Just another ordinary day

I decided last night that I would be a domestic goddess this morning. By 12pm I had finished all my laundry (including bed linen) AND a batch of scones. It required quite a bit of multi-tasking and running up and down stairs as I live in on the top floor (level 4 if you count ground floor as level 1, which they do in Sweden) while the three rooms of washing machines are in the basement.

After lunch (scones with raspberry jam), I sat down to finish a journal article for class I began reading on the weekend. I'm afraid I've been quite unproductive lately as I seem to have caught a cold. Being sick is never fun... especially when you are in a foreign country with no one to look after you.

I find myself madly pedalling to a class that begins at 3:45pm and make it just in time. It helped that the previous class ended late! I smile when I think of Michelle's comment - sweet, whimsical bike adventures? I wish! That's not to say I haven't had any but most of the time, it's 'if only I had left earlier...'

Divided into groups representing different political perspectives (realism, liberalism and Gramscianism), we are given 20 minutes 'to prepare and present a plan on how your state would fashion a new world order'. Easy...

I pop back home to finish off the scones as a sort of pre-dinner before riding off to attend a lecture organised by the Association of Foreign Affairs on 'The Political Psychology of Globalization'. A fascinating topic but I found it difficult to concentrate with my blocked nose... I reach home MINUS medicine because I didn't realise the pharmacy closed at 8pm.  Oh well... tomorrow!

The view from our kitchen balcony
Dinner = pasta with chicken schnitzel and french beans. Simple but tasty. I cook enough for lunch tomorrow. Some days I feel more like cooking than others... I have my lazy days, the same as everyone! I found this cute blog (A Cozy Kitchen), inspiring me to try some of the recipes soon!

I have a lecture tomorrow 10am - 12pm for GGD. Let's hope I don't sleep in by accident again and miss half the lecture like I did last week. And before I forget, I submitted my first piece of official writing assessment today :) I think I shall celebrate with a visit to Mormors Bageri (Grandma's Bakery).

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