Red Dirt Poetry Festival

In a parallel universe, I would have boarded a plane to Mparntwe (Alice Springs) in late July for Red Dirt Poetry Festival. I'm humbled and grateful to still be part of the festival online. 

Thank you Laurie May for the invitation and Eleanor Jackson for curating and recording Red Dirt x Yellow Peril, a series of poetry readings and interviews. I recorded a short poem 'commute' and spoke with Eleanor about its inspiration, things we took for granted and "the beauty and joy in small, everyday things". Also, my obsession with light: light moving across my apartment floor, light across a chopping board, and light shining through leaves.

I highly, highly recommend listening to the series (I loved Haneen Martin's interview and piece 'Hair Unruly') and checking out Red Dirt's ongoing events.


chew on cold muesli   legs tucked up on couch

watch slit-slant of light move

across grey carpet


wash bowl, pick up bag and lock door

notice light on apartment stairs

notice light on pavement            dead leaves


jay-walk three lanes   median strip   then another

three lanes


bus approaches   tap on and hold tight

lurch-sway   breathe in breathe out   watch windows fog up with



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