five years...

Blogging was supposed to be fun.

It was fun but somehow, along the way to becoming a 'professional writer', I forgot this.

The lack of time and growing pressure to write 'good posts' (just in case an editor stumbles upon this blog, hello!) pushed blogging further and further down my list of things to do.

Thank you to everyone who went out of their way to comment or email me about my last post. It meant a lot to me and reminded me why I started blogging in the first place.

I love the immediacy of posting and commenting, the community. I've met some wonderful women through writing and reading blogs (see a list of my favourites on the right).

I am so, so grateful to everyone who has given me a 'break' as a writer... from Eat This Poem to Scissors Paper Pen and the ACT Writers Centre to BMA, Noted, Feminartsy and Voiceworks.

I've worked with excellent editors who have challenged me and help me grow. 

And now... I'm in a position to give back. 

'Inspire / mentor someone.' I wrote it down a year ago on my list of goals. ('Exercise' = fail...) 

I LOVE it when readers contact me but I especially love helping other writers.

Do, do tell a writer if you like their work. It means the world to us.

Emerging Writers' Festival was a week of having my ego stroked and it was lovely. My editor, who is also a genuinely cool guy, even introduced me as 'a talented writer from Canberra'!!!

Anyway, I'm getting side-tracked.

The list of people I have to thank continues to grow but in all honesty, starting this blog was my first 'break'. hello pollyanna (and its previous incarnation, lagom lycklig) is a space to share my musings on life. I've certainly come a long, long way from my first post five years ago.

Pretty good innings, don't you think? Thanks for sticking with me xo

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