2 weeks to go...

With my residence permit finally approved last week, the reality of spending the next six months in Sweden is slowly starting to sink in. After sharing my dreams for a white Christmas, this post will be a bit more practical...

Scattered around my suitcase for the past month (thanks Mum!), I've only just begun packing things in. I've also been trying to cook a bit more! I'll work things out once I'm there. There is only so much one can worry!

Perfect going-away gift from my brother
Yesterday I received an email from my 'mentor group'. Mentors (students already studying in and familar with Lund) are assigned a group of international students to show around, organise fun events and introduce to Swedish and their own cultures. After being a 'local' student for so long, experiencing life as an 'international' student should be interesting...

The next two weeks will be spent tying off loose ends, clearing my room and catching up with friends... My to-do list is thankfully shrinking day by day!

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