Looking at the sky
Every now and then, I take a photo I absolutely love... and this is one.
I love the contrast, the colours, the light and the shadows. A little cliché but the path reflects how I feel about my future stretching ahead of me...
I took this photo two weeks ago at the park I mentioned. I've watched the trees change from green to brilliant red, then brown and now almost bare! There is something comforting about the distinct change in seasons. Reminding of time passing by, it makes me treasure everything all the more.
I went for a walk on ANZAC Day following the route I drive to work and noticed things I normally missed. I discovered the 'roundabout' I passed everyday was actually a woodland sanctuary seemingly out of a storybook.
Lying on the grass and looking up at the sky, I felt faraway from the world and as though I had been transported back in time. It was an idyllic afternoon and romantic in the sense that it was so naturally peaceful and picturesque...